[Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows

WolfRage wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Tue May 5 23:09:08 CEST 2015

On 05/04/2015 04:49 PM, Martin A. Brown wrote:
> Hi there,
> Yes, a bit ugly.  Have you tried using nose?  I have used a similar
> project development tree and use nose to run the tests.
I had thought about it, but decided not too, since it was not part of 
the standard library. But then again, it is not like I don't know how to 
install additional dependencies for my projects.
> Here are a few sample command-lines (I'm on an opensuse-13.2 system with
> Python 3.4 and nose for Python-3.4, which is called 'nosetests-3.4'):
>    nosetests-3.4 -- ./tests/
>    nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage -- ./tests/
>    nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage --cover-package=Project -- ./tests/
> I like nose because it will discover any unittest and doctest testing
> code under the specified files/directories.
It looks pretty easy to use, does it have an API like coverage and 
unittest so that I can write my test scripts and simply execute them 
rather than running commands from the terminal? I find that scripts 
prevent errors as compared to typing commands on the terminal.
> -Martin

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