[Tutor] Fwd: Re: Adding consecutive numbers

Whom Isac wombingsac at gmail.com
Wed May 6 14:13:31 CEST 2015

Thanks, Steven. I think you are right about those mistake. But you could
tell that the code was incomplete so the interact() was not defined. I have
updated some parts (basically writing from the scratch). I am busy with a
new project and learning how to create GUI app in python, although there
are not enough source to aid me. I will just post the code here for now:
Thanks, Steven. I think you are right about those mistake. But you could
tell that the code was incomplete so the interact() was not defined. I have
updated some parts (basically writing from the scratch). I am busy with a
new project and learning how to create GUI app in python, although there
are not enough source to aid me. I will just post the code here for now:

##Goal: Building a math program.
## two nums will be asked by the user
## they will be added
## condition: num >=o:
## num will continue to be added into a list untill the second number
## For your information, a consequitive sequence of num : num-->1 num1-->

if __name__=='__main__':

def interact():
    print('''Welcome to My new Math program!!
    With this program, you can find the sum of any consequitive numbers.''')
    print('So Just add your numbers in following spaces')
    ## If anybody complaining about this function. I will have to say, that
the coding is incomplete so
    ## I will first define all my function then def interact() when I am

def getting_numbers(first_num, second_num):
    x = [] #This is a empty list to store data
    y = [] #This is a empty list to store data

    """Getting the user values:"""

    first_num =int(input('Please enter your first number: '))
    x.append(first_num) # adding the input in x#
    second_num =int(input('Please enter your second number: '))
    y.append(second_num) # adding the input in x#
    z =(x,y) # This is a touple containing both x and y value.
    return z

def adding_all(x):
    total = 0
    for num in x:
        total +=num
    return total

def remove_letter(x):
    if x != len(x):
        print('You did not enter a number')
    elif x != adding_all(x):
        print("Please, donot include letters")
        return x
        ## I think using a while True function to iterate all item in x
would be better.

def adding_number(x,y):
    start = x[0]
    end = y[0]
    new_x = 0
    new_x_1 = 0
    while x[0]<=y[0] or x[0]<= 0:
        if x[0]==0:
            return new_x
        elif x[0]>0 or x[0]<y[0]:
            return new_x_1
            print("You have not input a digit in order, check your\n")
            print("I donot know what you mean?")

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