[Tutor] Request Advice on Python Feasibility

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue May 26 10:07:41 CEST 2015

On 26/05/15 07:21, kaushik.halder at accenture.com wrote:

> We are in process of building a recommendation engine based on text analytics and sentiment analytics .
> Analytics Engine having Sentiment Analytics and Text Analytics should further have following few requirements

There are third party libraries for analysing text in Python.
They may be of some use to you, but without understanding your
detailed requirements we cannot be sure. Try a search on
Google and/or PyPI.

> i. The Analytics engine should able to connect REST Web server and SQL DB .

Python supports access to most SQL databases (and several
NoSQL options too).
By "connecting" a REST web server doi you mean you want to make Rest 
calls to a specific web server or do you mean you want your analytic 
engine to be accessed via a REST web server? If the former it is the 
standard http access engines and the standard library supports that.
If its the latter then there are many Python web frameworks, most of 
which support some form of RESTful operation. You will need to research 
web frameworks to decide which best suits your needs.

> Ideally it should get exposed by REST Web Service.

See above

> ii. Analytics Engine should run Parallel in Cluster form

This is up to you to design. Parallel computing is a complex
topic, and difficult to get right in any language, but the
general principles of map-reduce would seem to fit your

> iii. Analytics Engine should have Strong Corpus ,
> should able to recognize "Key words and Phrases"
> and should able to find correlation between words

The toolkits mentioned above may help with this but ultimately
you will need to program this, its what will make your platform

> iv . Analytics Engine should be portable in Big Data environment
 > and should have high throughput .

Depends on your idea of big data and your definition of 'high'
Python supports access to many popular noSQL databases as
typically used in big data projects.

> Please suggest if Python can help in achieving above requirements

Yes, it can help, but it won't do the job for you. And you will 
certainly need to research and use some third party packages.

This mailing list os probably not the best source for information
since it is aimed at beginners using the core language and
the standard library. I suggest you ask for more help oin either the 
main Python list or, once you select your toolkits (web,text,data),
on their specific support fora.

Finally you could consider a multi-language approach with
Python acting as the glue. Especially if you want very
high performance or decide to use a non python engine
for part of the solution.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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