[Tutor] Question About Image Processing in Python

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Thu May 28 13:24:32 CEST 2015

On 28 May 2015 at 11:34, Serge Christian Ibala
<christian.ibala at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I want to know which version of Python is compatible (or can be associated
> with which version of which "tools or package" for image processing)
> I am working under Window and it is so complicated to find out which version
> of which tool goes with which other version?
> I want to use the following package
> “numpy, matplotib, mahotas, ipython   OpenCV and SciPy"

I would just install the most recent released versions unless I saw
some information that suggested a problem with that.

You may want to consider installing something like the Anaconda Python
distribution which includes most of these packages (all except
mahotas) with a single installer:

You can see the list of packages included here:

It will also install the mingw compiler that you could use to install
mahotas using pip/conda.


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