[Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
Felix Dietrich
felix.dietrich at sperrhaken.name
Thu May 28 21:01:27 CEST 2015
richard kappler <richkappler at gmail.com> writes:
> Now I've been tasked to change the script so that the script doesn't need
> to be in the same directory as the log file, which makes perfect sense.
> Furthermore, the path can't be hard coded into the script, but rather
> should read the installer should be able to edit a text file to specify the
> paths to the read file (log from which we're extracting data) and the write
> file (file to which we're send the extracted data). I thought this would be
> a trivial exercise, but I'm stuck.
An alternative way to configurate execution parameters is to pass the
filenames as arguments to your program which you can access via
/sys.argv/ (modules to consider: /getopt/, /optparser/):
import sys
print sys.argv[0] # the first element is the script's name
print sys.argv[1] # second element first argument (e.g. rd)
print sys.argv[2] # third element second argument (e.g. wd)
If you have these lines in a file "argv_test.py" try:
python argv_test.py read_filename write_filename
Another good alternative for filters is to simply read from stdin and
output the results to stdout; then use the shell to redirect those
from/to the respective files:
python filter.py <rdfile >wdfile
# < redirects stdin
# > redirects stdout
# or with a pipe and cat
cat rdfile | python filter.py > wdfile
Within python stdin can be read via sys.stdin:
import sys
for l in sys.stdin:
print l
The /ConfigParser/-Module provides a way to read and write configuration
> # read the config file to get file locations for a script
> conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
> read_it = conf.read()
> for line in read_it.splitlines():
> if line.startswith('rdfile:'):
> rd = line
> elif line.startswith('wrtfile:'):
> wrt = line
Instead of reading all the content of a file into memory one can simply
iterate it and retrieve the contents line my line (I believe this way is
also considered more "pythonic"):
conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
for line in conf:
One more "pythonic" thing to do is to wrap the interaction with a file
in a /with/-block: that way file closing is ensured after one is done
with the file:
with open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r') as conf:
for line in conf:
> At the moment, I am, for example, opening the file to be read from with a
> simple
> file = open('log.txt', 'r')
> but I need to replace 'log.txt' with rd1 (path and file name to log.txt).
> And I'm stumped. rd1 and wrt1 exist, I can print them, and I get what I
> expect (path/filename) for example print rd1 gives
> me Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt
> But how in the heck do I get that into the open() statement?
> What I've tried (none worked):
> file = open(rd1, 'r')
> file = open('rd1', 'r')
What do you mean by "none worked"? Did python respond with an error?
How did you figure that the calls to /open/ failed?
Also: The first line opens a file having the path of the string the
variable /rd1/ currently holds (presumably
"Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt"). The second calls /open/
with the string "rd1" causing /open/ to try and open a file with the
name rd1.
'r' will fail when the file does not exist.
Felix Dietrich
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