[Tutor] Python ASTM Implementation
Br. Sayan
mokshavivek at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 01:33:41 EST 2015
Well, doing
$ python setup.py install
did the installation. It can now import astm.
Should I try with PySerial first, as the communication is through RS232
serial cable?
On 13 November 2015 at 10:07, Br. Sayan <mokshavivek at gmail.com> wrote:
> *Alan*
> I note that the most recent release of ASTM (Mar 16 2013)
>> pre-dates 2.7.4 (Apr 6th 2013) by a week or two.
>> There is a slight chance that it is incompatible. I can't
>> see any notes about which Python versions it works with.
> In the Chnagelog for Ver. 0.4 it says "Set minimal Python version to 2.6,
> but 3.2-3.3 also works well." But in the setup.py they have mentioned
> against 'Programming Language::' Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3. I'll try in
> different machine and let you know.
> I just did the following from the directory 'astm-0.5.0' ( as untarred
> from the tarball from the website)
> $ chmod 777 setup.py
> $ ./setup.py
> You need to provide a bit more detailed info on what you are
>> doing and what specific issues you want help with.
> Let me explain. The biochemistry analyzer Cobas C311 can be made to
> configure in a full-duplex mode in which it accepts the 'Patient_ID' and
> reads the tests to be done and performs them and again it sends the results
> to the Host machine. For the time being, we need the second part. Only data
> acquisition from the analyzer. The program will just acquire the data from
> the analyser and store it in a CSV file.(to be incorporated to an existing
> Oracle database)
> The Python ASTM looks promising with its objectives:
> 1. Provide decoder ASTM data to Python objects and encode them back to
> valid ASTM messages.
> 2. Provide ability to *create your own ASTM client and server
> applications *followed by common specification routines.
> 3. *Provide ready-to-use “drivers” for various ASTM-driven analysers*,
> middlewares and other software or hardware solutions.
> But I need some solid example to start off with. And if it is *'ready to
> use'* then what is the syntax. I don't seem to find any usage examples.
> For example, what is to be done for starting data acquisition. Then comes
> manipulation. Even if I manage to get some bits of meaningful information
> transferred from the machine, it makes sense. Though there are some
> examples in the 'OmniLab' section, I can't figure out what to do with them.
> *Albert*
> Maybe it's setuptools that is too old? Or perhaps pip?
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade python-setuptools python-pip
>> I believe it's safer to install Python packages via apt-get if you are
>> using the Linux internal Python, rather than using pip.
> I have not installed through pip. I just gave the setup script 777
> permission and run it with ./setup.py . How do I do it with apt-get? I
> don't think it's in repository. Pls let me know.
> On 13 November 2015 at 09:55, Br. Sayan <mokshavivek at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Alan,
>> I note that the most recent release of ASTM (Mar 16 2013)
>>> pre-dates 2.7.4 (Apr 6th 2013) by a week or two.
>>> There is a slight chance that it is incompatible. I can't
>>> see any notes about which Python versions it works with.
>> In the Chnagelog for Ver. 0.4 it says "Set minimal Python version to 2.6,
>> but 3.2-3.3 also works well." But in the setup.py they have mentioned
>> against 'Programming Language::' Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3. I'll try in
>> different machine and let you know.
>> I just did the following from the directory 'astm-0.5.0' ( as untarred
>> from the tarball from the website)
>> $ chmod 777 setup.py
>> $ ./setup.py
>> You need to provide a bit more detailed info on what you are
>>> doing and what specific issues you want help with.
>> Let me explain. The biochemistry analyzer Cobas C311 can be made to
>> configure in a full-duplex mode in which it accepts the 'Patient_ID' and
>> reads the tests to be done and performs them and again it sends the results
>> to the Host machine. For the time being, we need the second part. Only data
>> acquisition from the analyzer. The program will just acquire the data from
>> the analyser and store it in a CSV file.(to be incorporated to an existing
>> Oracle database)
>> The Python ASTM looks promising with its objectives:
>> 1. Provide decoder ASTM data to Python objects and encode them back
>> to valid ASTM messages.
>> 2. Provide ability to *create your own ASTM client and server
>> applications *followed by common specification routines.
>> 3. *Provide ready-to-use “drivers” for various ASTM-driven analysers*,
>> middlewares and other software or hardware solutions.
>> But I need some solid example to start off with. And if it is *'ready to
>> use'* then what is the syntax. I don't seem to find any usage examples.
>> For example, what is to be done for starting data acquisition. Then comes
>> manipulation. Even if I manage to get some bits of meaningful information
>> transferred from the machine, it makes sense. Though there are some
>> examples in the 'OmniLab' section, I can't figure out what to do with them.
>> Reagrds,
>> Sayan
>> On 12 November 2015 at 23:15, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 12/11/15 11:23, Br. Sayan wrote:
>>> As you might be knowing that clinical lab analyzers use ASTM protocol.
>>> Nope, never heard of ASTM.
>>> Python has a an ASTM module <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/astm/0.5.0> ,
>>>> but
>>>> I need help in its implementation. In the first place, to my
>>>> embarrassment
>>>> I could not install it on Linux Mint 15 with Python 2.7.4.
>>> I note that the most recent release of ASTM (Mar 16 2013)
>>> pre-dates 2.7.4 (Apr 6th 2013) by a week or two.
>>> There is a slight chance that it is incompatible. I can't
>>> see any notes about which Python versions it works with.
>>> The following error is coming :
>>>> ...
>>>>> distribution option: 'install_requires'
>>>>> warnings.warn(msg)
>>>>> usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
>>>>> or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
>>>>> or: setup.py --help-commands
>>>>> or: setup.py cmd --help
>>>>> error: no commands supplied
>>> What did you do to install it?
>>> What commands did you run and from whre?
>>> And next, cannot figure out how to start. Desperately need your help in
>>>> starting off the coding. I have little experience in Python, but am
>>>> confident that I can pick it up soon if I get help.
>>> I assume you read the home page documentation for ASTM?
>>> http://python-astm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
>>> You need to provide a bit more detailed info on what you are
>>> doing and what specific issues you want help with. In particular
>>> we need to see the actual code you are running. Thanks for
>>> providing the full error though, that helps a lot.
>>> --
>>> Alan G
>>> Author of the Learn to Program web site
>>> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
>>> http://www.amazon.com/author/alan_gauld
>>> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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