[Tutor] Help - International School in Spain

Pa Yo payo2000 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 10:58:39 EST 2015

Might you be using two single inverted commas '' rather than one inverted
comma "

Just a thought.

Also check the use of acute accents and inverted commas, they are easy to
mix up on a Spanish keyboard - depending on the font you use.

On Tuesday, 17 November 2015, caroline metcalf <
caroline.metcalf at aloha-college.com> wrote:

> Hi there
> I am having an issue.  This code normally works fine
> Code:
> veg="carrots"
> print("Mashed ",veg," on the ceiling.")
> print("Green beans on the floor.")
> print("Stewed tomatoes in the corner.")
> print("Squash upon the door.")
> But, I am getting this.  Result:
> ('Mashed ', 'carrots', ' on the ceiling.')
> Green beans on the floor.
> Stewed tomatoes in the corner.
> Squash upon the door.
> >>>
> I have tried semi-colons instead of commas as Spain uses these often but...
> I don't know what else to try.  Any ideas please?
> --
> Caroline Metcalf
> *Head of Business, Economics and Technology (BET)*
> *Responsable Dept. Empresa y Gestión, Economia y Technologia*
> *Tel: (+34) 952 814 133*
> www.aloha-college.com
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