[Tutor] super and __init__ methods

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Fri Nov 27 04:03:55 EST 2015

Sunil Tech <sunil.techspk at gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks I got it.

Thanks for telling us!

You should know that ‘super’ is a topic that confuses even quite
experienced Python programmers. It is good to encounter this early, when
you can learn about it.

See the article “Python’s super() considered super!”
by Raymond Hettinger, for a good guide to this interesting feature.

 \        “A free press is one where it's okay to state the conclusion |
  `\                      you're led to by the evidence.” —Bill Moyers |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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