[Tutor] Which header to use in python

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Thu Oct 1 17:17:32 CEST 2015

In a message of Thu, 01 Oct 2015 15:42:25 +0300, Michel Guirguis writes:
>Good afternoon,
>What is the name of the header that I can use in Python 3.4 to convert the cumulative distribution function number 0.10606601717798211 to 0.54223501331161406
>from scipy.stats import norm
> 0.54223501331161406

You need scipy.  It's called a package, not a header, by the way.
scipy is the Scientific Python Package.
It's not part of standard Python 3.4.

The best way to get scypi is to go here:
https://www.continuum.io/downloads and get Anaconda Python.

Download the proper installer for whatever operating system you
have.  You are going to get yourself a whole new python 3.4 which
will already have scipy, numpy and a ton of other scientific
algorithms you will find useful.  

All your existing 3.4 programs will work perfectly well with it,
so if you downloaded the 3.4 you are currently using yourself, you
can go ahead and remove it and just use the one from Anaconda.

What Operating system are you using, by the way?


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