[Tutor] Mutable data type in python

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sat Oct 3 11:02:07 CEST 2015

>it works fine with global variable or a list type parameter for depth but i
>am looking for a way where i would be able to use a parameter which will be
>shared across all invocation and it should certainly not be a list coz i
>don't need a list
>Thanks and appreciate your help,

I am not sure what you mean 'shared across all invocation'.
You have a room of computers, and they all are going to use this program
to find solutions, and you don't want them to duplicate work?
This thing runs for a very long time and I want to be able to stop running
this program  .. have my laptop crash, even ...  and start it up and
have it pick up where it left off the last time?

If this is your problem, then even lists and global variables will
not help you, and you really need to save the data you need out on
disk someplace.

This leads me to believe that I just don't understand you properly yet.


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