[Tutor] Custom Function that Takes argument
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 12 00:25:18 CEST 2015
On 11/10/15 22:22, Nym City wrote:
> import urllib2
> import json
> locu_api = 'redacted'
> ans=True
> while ans:
> print ("""
> 1.Search by City
> 2.Search by State
> 3.Search by Zip
> 4.Exit/Quit
> """)
> ans=raw_input("What would you like to do? ")
> if ans=="1":
> print("\n Enter City")
> elif ans=="2":
> print("\n Search by State")
> elif ans=="3":
> print("\n Search by Zip")
> elif ans=="4":
> print("\n Goodbye")
> elif ans !="":
> print("\n Not Valid Choice Try again")
Note that you never set ans to any false value so it will keep on looping
until you do (by entering an empty string).
You probably need to use break to exit the loop whenb you get valid input.
> # def locu_search(query):
> # api_key = locu_api
> # url = 'https://api.locu.com/v1_0/venue/search/?api_key=' + api_key
> # locality = query.replace(' ', '%20')
> # final_url = url + '&locality=' + locality + "&category=restaurant"
Note that you should not try to build the query string yourself, there are
functions in the standard library that will do most of the work and they
will be more reliable than anythong you can write yourself.
For example look at the urllib module (for 2.7, its the urlib.parse module
in v3) which contains several utility functions such as quote() and
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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