[Tutor] how to unittest cli input

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Oct 13 21:11:43 CEST 2015

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Alex Kleider <akleider at sonic.net> wrote:
> """
> I'm trying to follow a test driven development paradigm (using
> unittest) but can't figure out how to test functions that collect
> info from the command line such as the following.
> """
> # collect.py
> def collect_data():
>     ret = {}
>     ret['first'] = input("Enter your first name: ")
>     ret['last'] = input("Enter your last name: ")
>     ret['phone'] = input("Your mobile phone #: ")
>     return ret

Hi Alex,

If we look at collect_data in a funny way, we might see that it is a
"function" because it's parameterized by the behavior of the
interactive input() function.  That means that we can make it a pure
function by explicitly treating "input" as a parameter.

def collect_data(ask):
    ret = {}
    ret['first'] = ask("Enter your first name: ")
    ret['last'] = ask("Enter your last name: ")
    ret['phone'] = ask("Your mobile phone #: ")
    return ret

Making it an explicit parameter means that, when we call it, we can
feed it input() as the ask()er:

def main():

It also means that we can pass in an ask()er that is non-interactive,
which is good for unit tests. For example, here's one we can build up

def make_ask(f, l, p):
    d = {'Enter your first name: ' : f,
           'Enter your last name: ' : l,
           'Your mobile phone #: ' : p}
    return d.get

What does this do?  It gives us an ask that knows how to respond to
those questions.  For example, at the interactive prompt:

>>> ask = make_ask('jane', 'doe', '123456789')
>>> ask('Enter your first name: ')
>>> ask('Enter your last name: ')

And now this is a tool we can use for unit testing the behavior of
collect_data.  That is, we can say:

    collect_data(make_ask('jane', 'doe', '12345'))

and know that we expect the dictionary value:

    {'first': 'jane', ...}

The key is to look at interaction as an explicit parameter of your
function: once it's a parameter, then you can pass in custom
interactions that are controlled by your unit test.

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