[Tutor] ​How to use the returned telnet object after creating the telnet session.

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Sun Sep 13 21:16:49 CEST 2015

On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Manju M
<manjunatha.mahalingappa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Assume that I will pass IP and port information from a function to open the
> telnet session. have opened the telnet session and after opening the telnet
> session I returned telnet object to calling function.

Hi Manju,

I apologize for potentially hijacking your question, but you may want
to consider SSH over the telnet protocol.  There are Python libraries
that know how to speak SSH:


and the use of Telnet is often discouraged because it does not protect its data.

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