[Tutor] Alan G Week 10 warmup assignment help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 2 04:08:04 EDT 2016

On 02/04/16 02:21, Daniella Sapozhnikova wrote:
> I changed the file to this:

> DATA = {2: 7493945,
>         76: 4654320,
>         153: 12074784,
>         8: 4337229}
> def iter_dict_funky_sum(data=DATA):
>     funky = 0
>     for key, value in data.iteritems():
>         funky += value - key
>     return funky
> however now pylint is returning:
> task_07.py:36: [W0102(dangerous-default-value), iter_dict_funky_sum]
> Dangerous default value DATA (__builtin__.dict) as argument
> how can I pass the dictionary into the function, since pylint considers the
> wway I'm doing it to be wrong?

I would drop the default value for the parameter.
( I suspect that Python doesn't like DATA as a default value
because it means you cant use the function anywhere DATA is
not defined. But I'm not sure about that)

Just use:

def iter_dict_funky_sum(data):

Then when you call the function pass in DATA as its argument:


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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