[Tutor] Is there a library which has this object?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 28 18:35:36 EDT 2016

On 28/04/16 19:08, Yeh wrote:

> I just solved my first question by using numpy, as below:

You need to post in plain text otherwise the mail system mangles your
code, as you can see.

> import timeimport numpy as np
> start = input("please input the value of start: ")end = input("please input the value of end: ")dur = input("please input the value of dur: ")array = np.linspace(float(start),float(end),1000)dur = float(dur)/len(array)for i in array:    print(float(i))    time.sleep(dur)

> But, how to make it become a function?
> I tried to:

> def myFunction(start,end,dur):...........for i in array:    return i    time.sleep(dur)

> as you see, I failed...

We can't see. We don't know what the dots are, and we
don't know where the return is. Most of all we don't know
if you get an error, or what the error says.

The more specific information you give us the more chance
we have of helping you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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