[Tutor] "List" object is not callable
Alex Kleider
akleider at sonic.net
Sat Apr 30 15:27:16 EDT 2016
On 2016-04-30 11:51, Jason N. via Tutor wrote:
> Hello,
> I found this simple script online but when I execute it I get the
> following error: "TypeError: 'list' object is not callable"
> Here is the code sample:import subprocess
> ls_output= subprocess.check_output(['dir'])
It works on my system: Ubuntu 14.04LTS
(venv)alex at X301:~$ python
Python 3.4.3 (default, Oct 14 2015, 20:33:09)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> ls_output= subprocess.check_output(['dir'])
>>> ls_output
b'Airbnb\tBookSite CURRENT Documents examples.desktop\tJs\t
nextWIFI\t OpenWRT Py\t Solar ToDo\t WARNING\nARM\tC\t debk\t
double gnupg.other\tLEFTOFF node_modules Pathagar Rachel
Templates toDoAtLoft wishes\nAVR\tclosures Desktop Downloads
GPL\t\tLibreboot Notes\t Pictures Sask Test Videos\t
WWW\nbin\tContacts Docbook Encrypted HTML5\t\tMusic\t OLPC\t\t
Public ski\t tmp\t vim_rewrap\n'
>>> exit()
(venv)alex at X301:~$ dir
Airbnb BookSite CURRENT Documents examples.desktop Js nextWIFI
ARM C debk double gnupg.other LEFTOFF node_modules Pathagar
Rachel Templates toDoAtLoft wishes
AVR closures Desktop Downloads GPL Libreboot Notes Pictures Sask
Test Videos WWW
bin Contacts Docbook Encrypted HTML5 Music OLPC Public ski
tmp vim_rewrap
(venv)alex at X301:~$ man dir
Perhaps you are using a linux command on a non linux (?Windows) system.
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