[Tutor] Book recommendation

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Aug 1 04:05:36 EDT 2016

On 01/08/16 00:14, D Wyatt wrote:

> answers I could understand from you all.  While I appreciate the time and
> effort you put in helping us out, most of you do not remember what you
> didn't used to know, and are often less than helpful because of this.  

That's a fair point. After 20, 30 or, as in my case, 40 years
of programming its hard to remember what you found difficult
at the start. Also when addressing an answer you have to make
a guess at the level of the questioner and often we don't
get much of a clue. (A good counter example is Bob Stepp
who was "overly humble" in his questions and got treated
as an absolute newbie but then turned out to have quite
a lot of experience.)

Also many books teach Python to established programmers
and relatively few books really aim at the complete beginner.
My original book did but even it assumed a good knowledge
of PC usage. The author just has to make a guess at the
average readers skills and run with that.

One area that is especially troublesome is knowledge of
math. Programming is rooted in math and professional
programmers will have studied math in depth but many
amateur beginners may only have junior school math
level. But how do you find out?

It's a perennial problem when experts try to help novices...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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