[Tutor] data storage question

Colby Christensen colbychristensen at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 3 08:26:18 EDT 2016

> Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 12:14:04 +1000
> From: steve at pearwood.info
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] data storage question
> On Mon, Aug 01, 2016 at 04:47:32PM -0400, Colby Christensen wrote:
>> I'm a novice programmer. I have a decent understanding of algorithms
>> but I don't have a lot of computer science/software engineering
>> experience. As a way to help me learn, I've begun a coordinate
>> geometry program similar to the COGO program developed years ago at
>> MIT. Currently, I store the points in a dictionary in the format
>> point_number : [North, East]. I eventually will add a Z component to
>> the points and possibly a description after I get enough of the
>> horizontal geometry worked through. I would like to be able to save
>> the point table so that I can have multiple projects.
> For external storage, you have lots of options. Two very common or
> popular suitable standards are JSON or PList.
> Suppose you have a point table:
> pt_table = {25: [30.1, 42.5, 2.8, 'The Shire'],
> 37: [17.2, 67.2, 11.6, 'Mt Doom'],
> 84: [124.0, 93.8, 65.2, 'Rivendell'],
> }
> I can save that table out to a JSON file, then read it back in, like
> this:
> py> import json
> py> with open('/tmp/data.json', 'w') as f: # save to table to disk
> ... json.dump(pt_table, f)
> ...
> py> with open('/tmp/data.json', 'r') as f: # read it back in
> ... new_table = json.load(f)
> ...
> py> print new_table
> {u'25': [30.1, 42.5, 2.8, u'The Shire'], u'37': [17.2, 67.2, 11.6, u'Mt
> Doom'], u'84': [124.0, 93.8, 65.2, u'Rivendell']}
> You'll see that the JSON format has made two changes to the point table:
> (1) All strings are Unicode strings instead of "byte strings" (sometimes
> called "ASCII strings").
> (2) The keys were numbers (25, 37, 84) but have now been turned into
> Unicode strings too.

Based on both replies I got, JSON is what I will use.

I do need the keys in the dictionary to be numerals, specifically they are integers. 

I believe after I load a stored pt_table, I can use this script to convert the keys back to integers.

pt_table = dict((int(key), value) for key, value in pt_table.items())

Please correct me if there is something wrong with that or if there's something else I should now about converting the keys to ints after reading the stored data.

Thanks for your input!

> We can advise you how to deal with these changes. Nevertheless, JSON is
> probably the most common standard used today, and you can see how easy
> the writing and reading of the data is.
> Here is an alternative: Plists. Like JSON, Plist requires the keys to be
> strings, but unlike JSON, it won't convert them for you. So you have to
> use strings in the first place, or write a quick converter:
> py> pt_table = dict((str(key), value) for key, value in
> pt_table.items())
> py> print pt_table
> {'25': [30.1, 42.5, 2.8, 'The Shire'], '37': [17.2, 67.2, 11.6, 'Mt
> Doom'], '84': [124.0, 93.8, 65.2, 'Rivendell']}
> Notice that now the keys (which were numbers) are now strings. Now we
> can write to a plist, and read it back:
> py> plistlib.writePlist(pt_table, '/tmp/data.plist')
> py> new_table = plistlib.readPlist('/tmp/data.plist')
> py> new_table == pt_table
> True
> Again, if you need to work with numeric keys, there are ways to work
> around that.
> If anything is unclear, please feel free to ask questions on the mailing
> list, and somebody will try to answer them.
> --
> Steve
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