[Tutor] Fwd: Re: need help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 12 12:37:11 EDT 2016

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Pallab Amway" <pallabamway at gmail.com>
>> Respected sir,lots of thanks for your advice,but while i am compiling
>> those programe with python 2.7 no output is coming only showing the
>> masage "expected indented block"

The first thing is to point out that you are getting an output - an
error message. Error messages are output.

The error tells you that it expects an indented block.
Do you understand what that means? Indentation refers
to the amount of spacing before the text. specifically
there must be more space before the lines after a control
statement (like your 'if') than there is on the control

In most programming languages this is a matter of good
style to make the code easier for humans to read.
But it is a fundamental principle in python because
the compiler uses the spacing to figure out how much
code is influenced by the control statement.

So an if statement should look like:

if <some condition>:
    an indented line
    another indented line
    end of if block
elif <another condition:   # option elif line
    Yet another indented line
    only executed if the elif test is true
else:   # optional else
    More indented lines
    only executed when the if and elif parts are false.

The same applied to other control statements in Python
such as 'for', 'while', 'def', 'try' etc, etc.

The amount of extra space you apply is up to you
but the recommended size is 4 spaces (as above).

> can you sugest any ebook?and please

I am biased but you can try my tutorial (see .sig below)
or there is a full page for beginners on the python.org
web site


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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