[Tutor] syntax error help
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 26 19:18:02 EDT 2016
On 30/03/16 19:05, Awais Mamoon wrote:
> Hi my code should be working however keeps coming up with invalid syntax but
> I know there isn’t one.
You are wrong. There is.
I suspect the error message tells you where it is.
In future please include the full error message with your code.
Look closely at this function:
> def EncryptionOrDecryption(plaintext_message, Keyword):
> NewLetter = ("")
> Ciphertext = ("")
> PositionKeyword = 0
> print('Do you wish to encrypt or decrypt')
> option = input()
> if option == "e" or "encrypt":
> for i in plaintext_message:
> if i == "":
> Ciphertext = Ciphertext + ""
> else:
> NewLetter = (alphabet.index(i)+1) +
> alphabet.index(Keyword[PositionKeyword]
> PositionKeyword = PositionKeyword + 1
> if PositionKeyword == len(Keyword):
> PositionKeyword = 0
> if NewLetter > 25:
> NewLetter = NewLetter - 26
> Ciphertext = Ciphertext + alphabet[NewLetter]
> return Ciphertext
> elif option == "d" or "decrypt":
> for i in plaintext_message:
> if i == "":
> Ciphertext = Ciphertext + ""
> else:
> NewLetter = (alphabet.index(i)-1) +
> alphabet.index(Keyword[PositionKeyword])
> PositionKeyword = Keyword + 1
> if PositionKeyword == len(Keyword):
> PositionKeyword = 0
> if NewLetter > 25:
> NewLetter = NewLetter - 26
> Ciphertext = Ciphertext + alphabet[NewLetter]
> return Ciphertext
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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