[Tutor] 2016-02-03 Filter STRINGS from urllib and Pass as VARAIBLE within PYTHON script

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Wed Feb 3 04:34:42 EST 2016

knnleow GOOGLE wrote:

> advice on how to filter VARIABLES from output below.
> 01. need to strip out
>        BEGIN_STRINGS  b'{  and
>        END_STRINGS }\n'

In b'{...}' the b prefix indicates that you are dealing with a byte string.
You have to decode it and then you can use the json module to parse the 

>>> import urllib.request, json
>>> data = urllib.request.urlopen(
... "http://freegeoip.net/json/").read()
>>> data
>>> data = data.decode()

If the above fails with a UnicodeDecodeError you have to provide the actual 

>>> data

> 02. need to filter out these FIELDS
> FIELD 1   "ip":""
> FIELD 2   "country_code":"CN"
> FIELD 3  "country_name":"China"
> FIELD 6  "city":"Shanghai"
> FIELD 8  "time_zone":"Asia/Shanghai"

>>> data = json.loads(data)
>>> data["city"]
> 03.  need to feed this into python script so as to generate a HTML File
> by date script was run. example "/fail2ban/2016-01-31.html"

Instead of doing this manually you should pick one of the many templating 
languages out there.
> i am doing this using shell script today. will like to get this working
> with python.
> regards,
> kuenn
>                  banIP_addrs = set()
>                  with open("/var/log/fail2ban.log") as fail_log:
>                          for line in fail_log:
>                                  if("Ban" in line and "fail2ban.actions:
> WARNING" in line and myDate in line):
>                                          words = line.split()
>                                          word6 = words[6]
>                                          #print("word6:" , word6)
>                                          banIP_addrs.add(word6)
>                  #print("banIP_addrs:" , banIP_addrs)
>                  for i in banIP_addrs:
>                          #print("i:" , i)
>                          myGeoip =
> urllib.request.urlopen("http://freegeoip.net/json/" + i).read()
>                          print(myGeoip)
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