[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 143, Issue 6
yehudak .
katye2007 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 12:22:03 EST 2016
Dear gentlemen.
This discussion gave me the pleasure of watching two programmers clash head
to head.
I got here a lot of knowledge that no book covers.
Thank you Alan & Steve.
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM, <tutor-request at python.org> wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: To FORMAT or not to (Steven D'Aprano)
> 2. Re: To FORMAT or not to (Steven D'Aprano)
> 3. Re: To FORMAT or not to (Steven D'Aprano)
> 4. Re: To FORMAT or not to (Alan Gauld)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 12:13:13 +1100
> From: Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] To FORMAT or not to
> Message-ID: <20160104011313.GE23700 at ando.pearwood.info>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 02:27:01PM +0200, yehudak . wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > In a program I wrote the following line (Python 3.5):
> >
> > print("You've visited", island, '&', new + ".")
> >
> > A programmer told me that it's a bad habit, and I should have used
> instead:
> >
> > print("You've visited {0} {1} {2}{3}".format(island, "&", new, "."))
> >
> > May I understand why?
> This is nonsense. There is nothing wrong with using print they way you
> did.
> print is designed to solve simple problems, and you had a simple
> problem. format is designed to solve complicated problems. You can use
> format, or % string interpolation, to solve simple problems too, but why
> bother? These four lines all do more or less the same thing:
> print("You've visited", island, '&', new + ".")
> print("You've visited {0} {1} {2}{3}".format(island, "&", new, "."))
> print("You've visited {} & {}.".format(island, new))
> print("You've visited %s & %s." % (island, new))
> The second version is the LEAST sensible, it should be re-written as the
> third version. But apart from that minor difference, there's no
> practical difference between those lines. It is entirely a matter of
> personal taste which you use.
> This doesn't mean that similar problems will also be a matter of
> personal taste. As the problem gets more complex, one or the other gets
> more appropriate. But there's nothing wrong with what you wrote.
> --
> Steve
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 13:03:22 +1100
> From: Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] To FORMAT or not to
> Message-ID: <20160104020322.GF23700 at ando.pearwood.info>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 02:04:22PM +0100, Chris Warrick wrote:
> > Here are a couple of reasons:
> > * String formatting works everywhere, but this syntax is specific to
> > print() ? if you use something else, you might end up producing faulty
> > code
> That argument doesn't make sense to me. I think you mean semantics,
> not syntax, as print uses the same syntax as all Python functions. But
> the same might be said about EVERY function and method.
> I might say, "Don't use format, because the semantics is specific to
> format -- if you use something else, you might end up producting faulty
> code". Well duh, of course it would, but if I used something else, I
> wouldn't give it arguments that format requires. The same applies to
> print, and literally every single other function and method.
> > * The corrected string formatting usage is more readable than the
> > original print()
> That's a matter of opinion, and not one that I share.
> > * String concatenation with + requires that all arguments are strings,
> > which is even less readable
> Again, that's a matter of opinion, and it's not a very credible opinion.
> You're arguing that using a complex mini-language with mysterious pairs
> of braces plus a method call:
> print("blah blah blah {}.".format(s))
> is more readable than a simple concatenation:
> print("blah blah blah", s + ".")
> I think not.
> > * With string formatting, you can apply special formatting to your
> > inputs (eg. set width, number precision?), which is hard or impossible
> > with print()
> *shrug*
> Nobody says that format isn't capable of more advanced formatting
> control than print. That's format's purpose, after all, just as print's
> purpose is to print. But for the example given, when the formatting
> needed is trivial and well within the capabilities of print, there's no
> need to involve format.
> The SpaceX "Falcon" rocket will take you to space, and a skate-board
> will take you around the block. If you strap a Falcon rocket to a
> skate-board, and lay it on the ground, you can also use a Falcon to go
> around the block. But why would you bother?
> > * Using print() with commas adds spaces between all entries, which
> > might look bad (and it does in this example);
> Say what? Adding spaces between the entries is exactly what is needed
> here, and it looks fine:
> py> island = "Mothering Sunday Island"
> py> new = "cuddled a tree-climbing octopus"
> py> print("You've visited", island, '&', new + ".")
> You've visited Mothering Sunday Island & cuddled a tree-climbing octopus.
> > the only way to prevent
> > that is by setting `sep=`, but then you need to remember about a space
> > after "visited" and around the ampersand?
> What? This argument makes no sense. There's no need to set sep='', the
> example works fine with the default single space separator.
> > * Easy to localize (translate into different languages), which is
> > generally impossible with any of the other options (some languages
> > might rearrange the sentence!)
> A translation engine might use format internally for *part* of the job,
> but the usual way to handle localisations is to call a function
> (conventionally named underscore) to do the work. That *might* involve
> using a template designed for format:
> _("You've visited {} & {}.", island, new)
> but could just as likely involve % or $ placeholders. That will allow
> both the template and the terms to be localised. In any case, it is not
> likely to involve a direct call to format for exactly the same reason
> that it isn't likely to involve a direct use of print's simple format
> control: it is too simple.
> Not only can word-order change, but a single word that gets injected
> into one place of the template in Language A might end up being two
> terms that are injected into two widely-separated places in Language B:
> # Language A
> "blah blah blah blah {0} blah {1} blah blah", a, b
> # Language B
> "blah blah {1} blah blah blah {0} blah blah {2} blah blah", a, b, c
> (and, by the way, the punctuation needs to be localised too). The
> localisation engine can deal with that complexity. Trying to manage
> translations yourself using just format cannot (or at least not easily).
> But fundamentally, the problem with this argument is YAGNI ("You Aren't
> Going To Need It"). Don't over-engineer a simple script just in case
> someday you will need to localize it for arbitrary languages. You won't.
> And if you do, *that* is the time to rewrite the print call to include a
> localisation step, not now.
> --
> Steve
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 14:46:35 +1100
> From: Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] To FORMAT or not to
> Message-ID: <20160104034632.GG23700 at ando.pearwood.info>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 01:12:41PM +0000, Alan Gauld wrote:
> > Why is it better?
> > 1) It is slightly more performant.
> Consider that format has to build the entire output as a new string in
> advance:
> "You've visited {0} & {2}.".format(island, new)
> gets generated before being passed to print for printing:
> print( result of above )
> That involves copying each substring and building a single new string.
> Imagine if island and new were each 100MB long texts, you would end up
> with a third string, 200MB (plus a bit) in size, before print gets
> called. But by calling print directly, it can write each substring (and
> separator) to stdout one at a time, without needing to build up the
> entire output first.
> But even for small strings, it has to parse the template, work out where
> the braces are, determine how big the new string will be, allocate that
> much memory (possibly causing a garbage collection pause), and copy the
> arguments into the new string.
> I'm not so sure that all this will be faster than the simple-minded
> actions of print:
> for each argument:
> send str(argument) to stdout;
> if this is not the last argument, send the separator
> Arguing that format+print is more efficient than print on its own seems
> rather unlikely to be correct.
> > 2) It improves consistency. You can store the format
> > string as a variable and then print it out many times
> > from different parts of your code and it will always
> > be the same. This makes it much easier to maintain
> > your program. For example:
> >
> > fmtString = "You've visited {0} & {2}."
> > if foo:
> > print(fmtString.format(foo,bar))
> > else:
> > print(fmtString.format(baz,bad))
> I wouldn't write it like that. I'd write:
> if foo:
> args = (foo, bar)
> else:
> args = (baz, bad)
> print("You've visited {} & {}.".format(*args))
> but now we're out of the realm of simple uses like the Original Poster's
> code. The original example gives us no reason to believe that we need to
> conditionally change the values being printed, or print it more than
> once.
> There's nothing wrong with using format. But for something as simple as
> this example, you can equally use % or just call print directly. It
> isn't an accident that print comes with its own basic formatting
> control, it is a deliberate design choice. There's no *need* to
> over-complicate the situation and then invent some spurious
> justification for it:
> "format will save 0.000001 second of time!"
> "Maybe some day I'll need to translate this into Klingon!"
> "Perhaps I will decide to print the same string from ten different
> places in the code!"
> Well, sure, but right now, there's no reason to think that one
> microsecond will make any noticable difference, or that the program
> needs to include translation, or print the string more than once.
> I think that, in this specific example, the only really good argument
> for using format is a matter of taste: "I prefer to use format, because
> I like it. It's more capable, so I use it more often and I am
> comfortable and happy using it. There's no strong argument *against*
> using it, so I prefer to use it."
> Great, that's fair, can't argue with that. There's no need to invent
> justifications for format, or to say that format would be better in
> *some other situation*. (We don't have some other situation, we have
> this situation.) And if you disagree and prefer to just use print,
> that's fine too.
> --
> Steve
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 10:04:41 +0000
> From: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] To FORMAT or not to
> Message-ID: <n6dg3o$76c$1 at ger.gmane.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On 04/01/16 03:46, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >> fmtString = "You've visited {0} & {2}."
> >> if foo:
> >> print(fmtString.format(foo,bar))
> >> else:
> >> print(fmtString.format(baz,bad))
> >
> > I wouldn't write it like that. I'd write:
> >
> > if foo:
> > args = (foo, bar)
> > else:
> > args = (baz, bad)
> > print("You've visited {} & {}.".format(*args))
> In this case yes but the point I was trying to illustrate
> was that you often want to print the same message from
> several different places in your code - even in different
> functions for example. Using a format string helps keep
> that consistent. The if/else construct was just the most
> concise example I could think of.
> > but now we're out of the realm of simple uses like the Original Poster's
> > code.
> Indeed, and I did point that out at the start of my message.
> Apart from one string addition the OPs use of print was
> pretty seamless. But he wanted to know why the other
> programmer thought formatting was better, not whether we thought
> formatting was better in his particular case. At least that's
> how I read it.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
> http://www.amazon.com/author/alan_gauld
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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