[Tutor] new line to list of strings send by email

Emil Natan shlyoko at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 10:47:51 EST 2016

Hello list,

I have a function which receives a string and sends it as a body of an

It is a part of a program which does certain checks on network
infrastructure. When a check fails I append error message to a
error_collector list:

if self.check_axfr_refused(ip):
     error_collector.append('%s:%s AXFR test for %s FAILED' %
                                           (ns, ip, self.domainname))

At the  end I send the alert like this:

if len(error_collector) != 0:
        email_body = str(error_collector)

The problem is the resulted email (expectedly) has the alert message as one
long string.

['pdns6.ultradns.co.uk.: AXFR test for amazon.com FAILED',
'pdns6.ultradns.co.uk.:2610:a1:1017::1 AXFR test for amazon.com FAILED',
'ns4.p31.dynect.net.: AXFR test for amazon.com FAILED',...]

I tried adding '\n' to end of each string error_collector collects, but
then these were simply added to the resulted email.

What I want to achieve is that each collected error is shown on a separate
line in the email. Any advice will be well appreciated.

Here is the email sending function if in interest:

def email_alert(message, recipient=DEFAULT_RECIPIENT, subject_prefix=''):
    ''' Send email alert. '''
    # check if we are running in quiet mode
    if QUIET.lower() == 'yes':
    msg = MIMEText(message)
    msg['From'] = SENDER
    msg['To'] = recipient
    msg['Subject'] = subject_prefix + SUBJECT

    s = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)


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