[Tutor] me, my arm, my availability ...

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Wed Jan 13 15:47:43 EST 2016

I fell recently.  Ought to be nothing, but a small chip of bone, either an
existing one or one I just made is nicely wedged in the joint taking away
a whole lot of the ability of my arm to rotate in the elbow joint.  Or
hold my arm in a position that is usual for typing.  Plus,  now that the
sprain/swelling is more or less over, the pain, unfortunately is not.

The real downside is that my typing speed is down from 135-140 wpm
to 5-10 wmp.  At this rate, just getting my usual work done takes

Seems like surgery is needed to fix this. 

So I wanted you all to know, no, I haven't forgotten you and no haven't
stopped caring.  I have just stopped being as __capable__ if you know
what I mean.

Please take care of yourselves and each other.  I will often be reading
even if typing is more than I can do right now.


ps -- (recent tutor discussion) I am with Alan and not with Mark.  I
am happy as anything when people post their not-quite-working code for
homework assignments here to tutor.  They aren't lazy bastards wanting
somebody to do their assignments for them, they want to learn why what
they are trying to do isn't working.  Sounds perfect for tutor to me.

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