[Tutor] python plotting

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 19 17:55:44 EST 2016

On 19/01/16 19:28, Bachir Bachir via Tutor wrote:
>  Dear all,
> I have some data taken at specific time of the day and i  want to 
> display those data according to the time,
> attached is the cvs file and the display output

I assume you mean csv file?

> from python pandas . I used the following script 
>  v2=read_csv('v2_12.dat')  #data frame for v2
>  v2.plot(kind='bar', x='Time_hhmmss', y='Av_phase',figsize=(12,1)) #display for v2 only

You need to post in plain text for us to see the code properly.

> I want to see a gap on the display because there was 
> no data recorded between  08:20:56  and   14:55:33

This is mainly a SciPy question it would be better placed there.

Alan G
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