[Tutor] Combine Scripts to Work Together...
Joel Goldstick
joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 13:48:07 EST 2016
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:16 PM, Sam Starfas via Tutor <tutor at python.org>
> Hi,I am new to Python, but learning. (Hopefully the layout is readable)
> I am having trouble getting two scripts to work together. What I want to
> do is have the combinded script do the following:
> 1. Read through a directory of xml files, not a single file, but many xml
> files.2. Read each files contents.3. Pull out the <uicontrol> element
> content (words between open and close tag)
> * For example: <uicontrol>Sam was here.</uicontrol>
> * The script would pull out the content "Sam was here" and print it to
> a file.
> My scripts so
> far:----------------------------------------------------------Script to get
> <uicontol>
> content----------------------------------------------------------import
> xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
> tree = ET.parse('TEST.xml')
> root = tree.getroot()for uicontrol in root.iter('uicontrol'):
> print(uicontrol.text)
Make the above a function
def get_uicontrol(f):
> tree = ET.parse(f))
> root = tree.getroot()for uicontrol in root.iter('uicontrol'):
> print(uicontrol.text)
----------------------------------------------------------Script to read
> through the
> files:----------------------------------------------------------import sys
> import glob
> import errnopath
> ='/Users/sastarfa/Documents/Projects/Script-projects/Scripts/Pull-out-terms-between-elements/*.xml'
> files = glob.glob(path)
> for name in files: # 'file' is a builtin type, 'name' is a
> less-ambiguousvariable name.
> try:
> with open(name) as f: # Noneed to specify 'r': this is the
> default.
> sys.stdout.write(f.read())
Make the above a function:
def get_files(path):
for name in files:
with open(name) as f
then at the end of your file do this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
get_files will loop to open each file, then call get_uicontrol on that open
file. get_uicontrol will find your tag, collect the text and print it
I haven't tested this, but it is at least close
> This is the area I get stuck. I can understand, write a script to run on
> one a single file you input into the script, but getting a script to run on
> a directory I am not understanding how to do this.
> Thanks in advance for any and all help.Really appreciate the help.
> Sam
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Joel Goldstick
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