[Tutor] Noob: nested if-clauses

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 16:05:36 EST 2016

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 2:42 PM, STF <lapsap7+python at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just started to learn Python thru some online courses and websites.
> They just teach very basic things.  I've got some questions about "if" that
> I'm unable to find the answers.  So let me ask the newbie questions here.
> Let's see the following instructions:
> --------
> if condition_A:
>     instruction_1
>     instruction_2
>     if condition_B:
>       instruction_3
>       instruction_4
>     instruction_5
> else:
>     instruction_6
> --------
> * How to make Pythom understand that instruction_4 is a part of condition_B
> if-clause but not a direct instruction of condition_A if-clause?  And how
> to make Python understand that instruction_5 is outside of condition_B
> if-clause?  Just by the number of white spaces in front of every
> instruction??
> * How to make Python understand that "else" belongs to the first
> condition_A if-clause, not to the immediate condition_B if-clause?
> * Suppose I put four white spaces in front of instruction_1, and then "tab
> key" in front of instruction_2, would this break things?  I ask so because
> most intelligent text editors would insert automatically a tab in place of
> 4 white spaces after we press Enter on a line with 4 leading white spaces.
> * Do I really need to keep the consistency of 4 white spaces?  Not one more
> or one less?

yes.  you can use 1 or 2 or any number of spaces, but do spacing
consistently.  4 is recommended. Don't mix tabs and spaces

> Thanks in advance.
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Joel Goldstick

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