[Tutor] Help!
Chelsea G
cegarcia0323 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 09:26:32 EST 2016
I am working on a python script to automate reporting. And I am working on
creating a keyword search. For example, if I want to search for the word
Tool in the value and see what keys are associated with that. So say the
value I have to search is Tool World and I want to know what key is
associated with Tool World I search Tool World and it comes up with several
results like missing or not updating and catalog issue. I have the basic
code for it figured out but I have created my own dictionary for it called
mydict and put a few key and values in but I want my code to search the csv
file that I am importing and then take the info I am getting from the
search results and put it in its own text file. I have attached my document.
-------------- next part --------------
import csv
import json
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import Counter
class dictionary():
def __init__(self):
self.dict = defaultdict(list)
self.counted_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.grouped_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.other_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.final_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.total_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.search_dict = defaultdict(list)
def populate_dict(self, filename):
with open (filename, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
next(reader, None)
for row in reader:
def total_counts(self):
for key in self.dict.keys():
total = 0
b = Counter(self.dict[key])
for value in b:
total += b[value]
self.total_dict.update({key: str(total)})
def all_counts(self):
data_count = Counter()
for key in self.dict.keys():
self.counted_dict.update({key: Counter(self.dict[key])})
def grouped_counts(self):
for key in self.dict.keys():
total = 0
c = Counter(self.dict[key])
for value in c:
if c[value] >= 5:
self.grouped_dict.update({value: key + ': ' + str(c[value])})
elif c[value] <= 4:
total += c[value]
self.other_dict.update({key: 'other: ' + str(total)})
self.final_dict = self.grouped_dict, self.other_dict, self.total_dict
mydict = {'Project Tool Issue': ['CPO Project Tool'], 'All catalogs missing or not updating': ['20/20 Design Tool']}
def search(mydict, lookup):
for key, value in mydict.iteritems():
for v in value:
if lookup in v:
#return key
print key
search(mydict, 'Tool')
# def txt_output(self, filename):
# a = filename.split('.')
# self.txt_output = a + '.txt'
# print a
def json_output(self):
with open ('testing.txt', 'w') as text_file:
json.dump(self.final_dict, text_file, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)
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