[Tutor] Noob: nested if-clauses

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 17:23:28 EST 2016

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 11:41 AM, STF <lapsap7+python at gmail.com> wrote:

> ...How do you call this thing, BTW?  I'm unable to
> understand how to navigate inside this thing.  I mean, when I open it, in
> which folder am I in?  Suppose I have a Python file in
> D:\mycode\abc\myfile.py.  How to run it?

IDLE presents itself in two ways.  Normally it defaults to opening up
as the Python interpreter where you see the ">>>" and can type in code

Its other view can be accessed by going to the "File" menu and either
choosing "Open..." and browsing to the file you wish to open, such as
"D:\mycode\abc\myfile.py" you mention above, or by creating a new file
with the menu option "New File".  This will open a second window which
is an editor window that you can type in and edit Python code, such as
you were doing in Programmer's Notepad.  To run the code you have
either opened using "Open..." or that you have typed in, use the menu
"Run" and select "Run Module".

Having both of these windows open at the same time is quite handy!  As
you type code into the Editor, you may get stuck and not be sure as to
what you want to do next.  You can then go to the Interpreter window
and type in code snippets, exploring Python's behavior for the code
you are contemplating.  Once you are satisfied, back to the Editor and
enter your code.  Of course you can copy and paste between the two as

Notice that the menu bar has differences between the two windows.  You
should explore the various menu options to see what you can do with
both forms of IDLE.  Don't forget to check out "Help > IDLE Help" for
more information on IDLE's options.  Also note that you can get to the
local Python language docs through "Help > Python Docs".

One more thing to note:  IDLE has shortcut keys.  As you explore the
menus you will see some of them listed next to the menu entries.  For
more go to "Options > Configure IDLE" and you will see a small tabbed
window.  If you go to the "Keys" tab, you can see (and edit) the key
bindings IDLE uses as well as available pre-configured key binding

Hopefully I'm answering the question(s) you are really asking and have
not gone off on a tangent!


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