[Tutor] OT: Recommendations for a Linux distribution to dual-boot with Win7-64 bit

Ries Rommens info at riesrommens.nl
Sun Jul 3 15:32:35 EDT 2016

Hello boB,

> On the latter I was surprised that Thunderbird did not support 
> conversation views out of the box.
After opening Thunderbird you will see a listing of your emails.
Clicking on the header of the very first column of the listing will give 
you the conversation mode.
(Second column header is a star, third one the attachments. Be aware 
that you can alter the columns shown, so things may be different in your 

Kind regards,


Op 03-07-16 om 07:07 schreef boB Stepp:
> This is an update and a test to see if I have figured out 
> Thunderbird's settings so that everything comes over as plain text 
> instead of something else.  If there are any issues let me know.
> Friday the Mint crew announced that they were releasing their new 
> version of Mint, version 18, Sarah, so I went _bleeding edge_ and 
> tried to install it.  Things did not go well in the sense that I was 
> not able to make a dual-boot installation where Windows 7 was on its 
> existing hard drive and Mint 18 on its own.  As far as I can tell I 
> did everything correctly, but upon rebooting there was no option to go 
> to Mint; instead, the boot went directly to Windows 7.  After many 
> hours of effort, searching, etc. (It was after 6 AM local time when I 
> gave up.) I decided to simply unplug the Windows 7 hard drive and plug 
> my new hard drive in its place. I successfully installed Mint 18 and 
> it booted up fine with one quirk.  My understanding is that I would be 
> prompted to remove my installation USB drive prior to it rebooting, 
> but it didn't and this seemed to cause issues.  On my repeat 
> installation effort I removed the USB drive myself when it appeared 
> that the system had just shut down.  Things have gone well since.
> I guess I will save the dual-boot effort for some other day.
> Now I am updating things, playing with Firefox and Thunderbird, etc.  
> On the latter I was surprised that Thunderbird did not support 
> conversation views out of the box.  I am currently testing an 
> extension, "Thunderbird Conversations", which is a bit different in 
> what I was expecting (Compared to Gmail.), but I suppose I will get 
> used to it.
> We will see how the Linux experiment will work!  My plan is to work my 
> way through the book, "How Linux Works", by Brian Ward. So that will 
> probably distract me from Python studies for a while.
> Again, thanks for all of the help you've collectively given!
> boB
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