[Tutor] Subclassing logging.Handler?

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Wed Jul 6 13:42:57 EDT 2016

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Alex Hall <ahall at autodist.com> wrote:

> Regarding this project: I've gone ahead and tried a variant of it. I
> wanted to log to an HTML file, since those are much easier to look at with
> a screen reader and so I could get used to the concepts involved. Here's
> what I've come up with so far. I'll ask the question, then paste the code.
> I'm getting an error on the self.stream.write line in _open that
> "'ADTimedRotatingLogFileHandler' has no attribute stream". If I'm
> subclassing TimedRotatingFileHandler, how can it not have stream?

Again, in case someone is searching for an answer later and finds this
thread: you must assign it.

def _open(self):
    self.stream = super(ADTimedRotatingLogFileHandler, self)._open()

I'm now getting a different error, in close():
TypeError: must be type, not None

I'm not sure what that's about, but at least I now know why I wasn't
getting a stream.

> import logging
> import logging.handlers as logHandlers
> class ADTimedRotatingLogFileHandler(logHandlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler):
>     def __init__(self, filename, when, interval, backupCount, title):
>         """Most parameters are for the superclass, but 'title' is the
> title you want your HTML file to have."""
>         super(ADTimedRotatingLogFileHandler, self).__init__(filename,
> when, interval, backupCount)
>         self._title = title
>     def _open(self):
>         super(ADTimedRotatingLogFileHandler, self)._open()
>         self.stream.write("""<html>
> <head>
> <title>%s</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> """ %(self._title))
>     def close(self):
>         self.stream.write("""
> </body>
> </html>""")
>         super(ADTimedRotatingLogFileHandler, self).close()
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 8:32 AM, Alex Hall <ahall at autodist.com> wrote:
>> Hey list,
>> Another day, another Python experiment. I'm wondering what methods I'd
>> have to implement in a custom subclass of logger.Handler.
>> Currently, the recurring jobs I have written log their events to a file
>> each time they run. That's fine, but it doesn't let me keep
>> easily-sorted/searched records. Even if I use a size-based log file
>> handler, it'll get hard to search. I'm pondering logging to a database as
>> well, so that the files will always have the most recent few runs, but the
>> database will have everything. That means subclassing logger.Handler.
>> I found the docs for this, but is emit() the only function I need to
>> implement? There are things about i/o locks, formatting, and so on as well.
>> How much do I need to do, and how much can I leave up to the super class?
>> I'll have to call
>> super(MyLogHandler, self).__init__()
>> I know, but what else do I have to worry about? To be clear, I'm not
>> asking about logging to a database, only what to do to make a Handler
>> subclass capable of logging through whatever mechanisms I want. Thanks.
>> --
>> Alex Hall
>> Automatic Distributors, IT department
>> ahall at autodist.com
> --
> Alex Hall
> Automatic Distributors, IT department
> ahall at autodist.com

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com

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