[Tutor] Python WATable & DB

nitin chandra nitinchandra1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 05:18:40 EDT 2016

Hi All,

Any body got experience in WATable + passing data from DB to JS / json
... and if it is stretching it a bit .. has done it with python.

Also, how do I pass link of employee images/photos.

I just posted the part of  JS , which I believe is concerned with data
to be displayed in the table.

Really appreciate ... so close and .... still some way to go to insert DB.




<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready( function() {
                var waTable = $('#example2').WATable({
                //data: generateSampleData(100), //Initiate with data
if you already have it
                debug:false,                //Prints some debug info to console
                dataBind: true,             //Auto-updates table when
changing data row values. See example below. (Note. You need a column
with the 'unique' property)
                pageSize: 20,                //Initial pagesize
                pageSizePadding: true,      //Pads with empty rows
when pagesize is not met
                transition: 'scroll',       //Type of transition when
paging (bounce, fade, flip, rotate, scroll, slide).Requires
                //transitionDuration: 0.2,    //Duration of transition
in seconds.
                filter: true,               //Show filter fields
                sorting: true,              //Enable sorting
                sortEmptyLast:true,         //Empty values will be shown last
                //columnPicker: true,         //Show the columnPicker button
                pageSizes: [1,5,10,20,200],  //Set custom pageSizes.
Leave empty array to hide button.
                hidePagerOnEmpty: true,     //Removes the pager if
data is empty.
                //checkboxes: true,           //Make rows checkable.
(Note. You need a column with the 'unique' property)
                checkAllToggle:true,        //Show the check-all toggle
                preFill: true,              //Initially fills the
table with empty rows (as many as the pagesize).
                //url: '/someWebservice'    //Url to a webservice if
not setting data manually as we do in this example
                //urlData: { report:1 }     //Any data you need to
pass to the webservice
                //urlPost: true             //Use POST httpmethod to
webservice. Default is GET.
                types: {                    //If you want, you can
supply some properties that will be applied for specific data types.
                    string: {
                        //filterTooltip: "Giggedi..."    //What to say
in tooltip when hoovering filter fields. Set false to remove.
                        //placeHolder: "Type here..."    //What to say
in placeholder filter fields. Set false for empty.
                    number: {
                        decimals: 1   //Sets decimal precision for float types
                    bool: {
                        //filterTooltip: false
                    date: {
                      utc:false,            //Show time as universal
time, ie without timezones.
                      format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',   //The format. See all
possible formats here http://arshaw.com/xdate/#Formatting.
                      datePicker: true      //Requires "Datepicker for
Bootstrap" plugin (http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker).

                tableCreated: function(data) {    //Fires when the
table is created / recreated. Use it if you want to manipulate the
table in any way.
                    console.log('table created'); //data.table holds
the html table element.
                    console.log(data);            //'this' keyword
also holds the html table element.
                rowClicked: function(data) {      //Fires when a row
or anything within is clicked (Note. You need a column with the
'unique' property).
                    console.log('row clicked');   //data.event holds
the original jQuery event.
                                                  //data.row holds the
underlying row you supplied.
                                                  //data.index holds
the index of row in rows array (Useful when you want to remove the
                                                  //data.column holds
the underlying column you supplied.
                                                  //data.checked is
true if row is checked. (Set to false/true to have it
                                                  //'this' keyword
holds the clicked element.

                    //Removes the row if user clicked on the column
called 'remove'.
                    if (data.column.column == "remove") {
                        //Remove fast with dataBind option
                        waTable.getData().rows.splice(data.index, 1);

                        //This would have worked fine as well, but is slower
                        //var d = waTable.getData();
                        //d.rows.splice(data.index, 1);
                    //We can look at classes on the clicked element as well
                    if (this.classList.contains('someClass')) {
                        //Do something...
                    //Example toggle checked state
                    if (data.column.column == "check") {
                        data.checked = !data.checked;
                columnClicked: function(data) {    //Fires when a
column is clicked
                  console.log('column clicked');  //data.event holds
the original jQuery event
                  console.log(data);              //data.column holds
the underlying column you supplied
                                                  //data.descending is
true when sorted descending (duh)
                pageChanged: function(data) {      //Fires when
manually changing page
                  console.log('page changed');    //data.event holds
the original jQuery event
                  console.log(data);              //data.page holds
the new page index
                pageSizeChanged: function(data) {  //Fires when
manually changing pagesize
                  console.log('pagesize changed');//data.event holds
teh original event
                  console.log(data);              //data.pageSize
holds the new pagesize
            }).data('WATable');  //This step reaches into the html
data property to get the actual WATable object. Important if you want
a reference to it as we want here.

            //Generate some data
            var data = generateSampleData(500);
            waTable.setData(data);  //Sets the data.
            //waTable.setData(data, true); //Sets the data but
prevents any previously set columns from being overwritten
            //waTable.setData(data, false, false); //Sets the data and
prevents any previously checked rows from being reset

            //Get the data
            var allRows = waTable.getData(false); //Returns the data
you previously set.
            var checkedRows = waTable.getData(true); //Returns only
the checked rows.
            var filteredRows = waTable.getData(false, true); //Returns
only the filtered rows.
            var renderedRows = waTable.getData(false, false, true)
//Returns only the rendered rows.

            //Set options on the fly
            var pageSize = waTable.option("pageSize"); //Get option
            //waTable.option("pageSize", pageSize); //Set option

            //Databinding example
            var row = waTable.getRow(5).row; //Get row with unique value of 5.
            row.name = "Data-Binding Works"; //This would update the
table...but only in ultra modern browsers. (See here
            Platform.performMicrotaskCheckpoint(); //This make sure it
also works in browsers not yet compatible with Object.observe. This is
the polyfill that's used.(https://github.com/polymer/observe-js).

            //More databinding
            data.rows.shift(); //Removes the first row.
            var newRow = generateSampleData(1).rows[0];
            data.rows.push(newRow); //Add new row

            //Example event handler triggered by the custom refresh link above.
            $('#example2').on('click', '.refresh', function(e) {
                //Get and set some new data
                var data = generateSampleData(100);
                waTable.setData(data, true);
            //Example event handler triggered by the custom export links above.
            $('#example2').on('click', '.export', function(e) {
                var elem = $(e.target);
                var data;
                if (elem.hasClass('all')) data = waTable.getData(false);
                else if (elem.hasClass('checked')) data = waTable.getData(true);
                else if (elem.hasClass('filtered')) data =
waTable.getData(false, true);
                else if (elem.hasClass('rendered')) data =
waTable.getData(false, false, true);
                console.log(data.rows.length + ' rows returned', data);
                alert(data.rows.length + ' rows returned.See data in console.');


        //Generates some data.
        function generateSampleData(limit, simpleMode) {

            //First define the columns
            var cols = {
                employeeId: {
                    index: 1, //The order this column should appear in the table
                    type: "number", //The type. Possible are string,
number, bool, date(in milliseconds).
                    friendly: "Employee<br>ID",  //Name that will be
used in header. Can also be any html as shown here.
                    format: "<a href='#' target='_blank'>{0}</a>",
//Used to format the data anything you want. Use {0} as placeholder
for the actual data.
                    unique: true,  //This is required if you want
checkable rows, databinding or to use the rowClicked callback. Be
certain the values are really unique or weird things will happen.
                    sortOrder: "asc", //Data will initially be sorted
by this column. Possible are "asc" or "desc"
                    tooltip: "This column is listing unique Employee
ID", //Show some additional info about column
                    filter: "1..400" //Set initial filter.
                employeeName: {
                    index: 2, //The order this column should appear in the table
                    type: "string", //The type. Possible are string,
number, bool, date(in milliseconds).
                    friendly: "Employee Name",  //Name that will be
used in header. Can also be any html as shown here.
                    //format: "<a href='#' target='_blank'>{0}</a>",
//Used to format the data anything you want. Use {0} as placeholder
for the actual data.
                    //unique: true,  //This is required if you want
checkable rows, databinding or to use the rowClicked callback. Be
certain the values are really unique or weird things will happen.
                    //sortOrder: "asc", //Data will initially be
sorted by this column. Possible are "asc" or "desc"
                    tooltip: "This column is lists Employee Name of
Employee ID", //Show some additional info about column
                    filter: false //Set initial filter.

            var rows = [];
            var i = 1;
            while(i <= limit)
                var row = {};
                row.employeeId     =i;
                row.employeeName   =i;

            //Create the returning object. Besides cols and rows, you
can also pass any other object you would need later on.
            var data = {
                cols: cols,
                rows: rows,
                otherStuff: {
                    thatIMight: 1,
                    needLater: true
            return data;

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