[Tutor] Practice Exercises for Beginner ? :p:

Thomas C. Hicks paradox at pobox.com
Fri Jun 3 05:55:13 EDT 2016

On Jun 2, 2016, at 16:43, Andrei Colta <andrycolt007 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone can recommend practical work on learning python.. seems reading and reading does not helping.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andrei
I would echo those saying "make something" - for me the thing that 
really moved me forward was doing a data project, make the sqlite 
database, manipulate it, make a Flask site to access it, etc.  Lots of 
resources on the web to guide you to do such things.

Alternatively try some of the many coding challenge sites.  My daughter 
is currently loving CodeAbbey.  A trick to CodeAbbey - there are lots of 
tools in Python that make the challenges vanishingly easy (at least the 
early ones) but you will likely learn more if you force yourself to 
write those programs without Python's "batteries included" tools.



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