[Tutor] Py 2.4.4: Inheriting from ftplib.FTP()

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 12:07:12 EDT 2016

I guess I did not emphasize enough that I was just starting to think
through this.  The code I posted yesterday was more in the way of
exploratory code, trying to understand how to implement inheritance,
using new-style classes (I am trying to integrate the work with Python
3 at home as much as possible with what I am forced to in Python 2.4
at work where I have no choices as to Python version.).

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> Some futher thoughts:
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:38:13AM -0500, boB Stepp wrote:
>> class FTPFiles(FTP, object):
>>     """FTP files to Windows server location(s)."""
>>     def __init__(self, host=server_ip, user=user, passwd=passwd):
>>         """Initialize FTPFiles object.  Normally the defaults will be used."""
>>         super(FTPFiles, self).__init__(host, user, passwd)
>>         self.host = host
>>         self.user = user
>>         self.passwd = passwd
> Do you actually need to record these? Once they're used to establish a
> connection and login, what are they for?

No, I was just spelling everything out for myself while I was trying
to figure out why my original code was not working.  All the things I
said I "learned" were not in my earlier versions.  These lines have
already been excised as I am getting closer to something I might
actually want to implement.  Also, now that I have had the opportunity
to play around with inheritance, I don't see any need to specialize
the FTP class as I mention in my response to Alan I just sent out.

>>     def print_welcome_msg(self):
>>         """Print welcome message sent by FTP server."""
>>         print self.getwelcome()
> The getwelcome method already prints the message, which is a bad design.
> But only if debugging is true. So I would approach this in one of two
> ways:

The only point of this method was to ensure that I was actually
connected to my server.  During earlier versions, things were acting
weird and I was not understanding what was going on.  So I wanted to
be certain I was in fact connected; it turned out I was not!  This
also has been excised today.

> (1) Delegate to the existing getwelcome method:
> def print_welcome_msg(self):
>     save_flag = self.debugging
>     self.debugging = True
>     try:
>         x = self.getwelcome()  # prints the msg
>     finally:
>         self.debugging = save_flag
> (2) Re-implement the print functionality.
> def print_welcome_msg(self):
>     print "*welcome*", self.welcome
> (3) If you really want to be paranoid, use:
>     print "*welcome*", self.sanitize(self.welcome)
> although I don't think it's likely to make any real difference in
> practice.
> (The sanitize method makes a feeble attempt to hide the password.)

Some interesting ideas to aid debugging.  Thanks!

>> What I learned today:
>> 1)  FTP from ftplib appears to be an old-style class.
>> 2)  I can't just use "class FTPFiles(FTP)" or I will be using old-style classes.
> Is this a problem? Old-style classes are good enough for many purposes.

Not really.  I am just trying to consolidate the studies I am doing at
home with Python 3 as much as I can when I am working with Python 2.

>> 3)  I need to use "class FTPFiles(FTP, object)" to use new-style
>> classes and "object" must come AFTER "FTP".
>> 4)  I have to use "super(FTPFiles, self).__init__(host, user, passwd)"
>> or I cannot successfully inherit from the FTP() class.  Also, "self"
>> apparently must come AFTER "FTPFiles" in the super expression.
> For old-style classes, don't use super because it doesn't work. Instead
> just write:
>     FTP.__init__(self, host, user, passwd)

Yeah, if I just stuck to old-style, things would have been easier.

> That means that you cannot engage in multiple inheritence with new-style
> classes, but MI is a serious pain to get right, and 99% of the time it
> is overkill, so you're not missing much.

Right now just the simpler OOP stuff is a "serious pain" while I am
still in the relatively early stages of learning.  ~(:>))


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