[Tutor] Fwd: Turtle

Hershel Millman hershel at themillmans.net
Sat Jun 18 23:46:53 EDT 2016

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Hershel Millman <hershel at themillmans.net>
> Date: June 18, 2016 2:39:21 PM MST
> To: Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Turtle
> Steven,
> I followed your instruction and typed "import turtle" into the terminal on my mac, and nothing happened.
> When I entered the following, a new window was created in which the turtle behaved exactly like it was supposed to.
> for i in range(4):
> ...    turtle.right(90)
> ...    turtle.forward(200)
> In pycharm, when I enter the following, it replies with the following error message:
> from turtle import *
> def drawSquare(size=100):
>    turtle.pendown()
>    turtle.forward(size)
>    turtle.left(90)
>    turtle.forward(size)
>    turtle.left(90)
>    turtle.forward(size)
>    turtle.left(90)
>    turtle.forward(size)
>    turtle.left(90)
> drawSquare(50)
> input ()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/Users/Hershel/PycharmProjects/Project 1/practicefornotturtle.py", line 14, in <module>
>    drawSquare(50)
>  File "/Users/Hershel/PycharmProjects/Project 1/practicefornotturtle.py", line 4, in drawSquare
>    turtle.pendown()
> NameError: global name 'turtle' is not defined
> Process finished with exit code 1
> Thank you,
> Hershel
> On Jun 18, 2016, at 2:00 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 11:25:40PM -0700, Hershel Millman wrote:
>>> Hello tutors,
>>> I have been learning basic python on my Macintosh computer and 
>>> everything I have tried so far has worked, except when I tried to use 
>>> the turtle module. I then used my Linux computer and the turtle module 
>>> still did not work.
>> What does "did not work" mean?
>> Did you get an error message? Blue Screen Of Death? Computer caught 
>> fire?
>> I see later on that you are running PyCharm. Let's try this with the 
>> default Python interpreter. Open a terminal window. You should see a 
>> prompt ending with a dollar sign $ e.g. on my computer I see:
>> [steve at ando ~]$
>> Type the command "python" without quotes, and hit Enter. You should get 
>> a message about the version of Python you are running, and a >>> prompt. 
>> This is the Python interpreter. Now enter:
>> import turtle
>> What happens? Do you get an error?
>> If not, what happens if you enter these lines?
>> turtle.shape('turtle')
>> for i in range(4):
>>   turtle.right(90)
>>   turtle.forward(200)
>> (Hit the TAB key at the beginning of the last two lines to get the 
>> indent. When you have finished typing, you will need to enter one extra 
>> time to have Python run the code.)
>> Describe what happens. Do you get an error? If you do, copy and paste 
>> the ENTIRE error message, starting with the line "Traceback".
>>> I tried to use the command line and type "sudo dnf 
>>> install turtle", "sudo pip install turtle", and it told me "no package 
>>> turtle available".
>> That's because turtle is part of the standard library. It's already 
>> installed. If you run:
>> locate turtle.py
>> from your Linux or Mac OS X shell (not from Python!) you should see a 
>> list of at least one turtle.py files.
>>> I tried to install Python-tk and python3-tk, and I 
>>> was told that no packages by those names were available. I also tried 
>>> reinstalling python 2 and python 3, to no avail.
>> Reinstalling Python should be the *last* resort, not the first, or 
>> second.
>> -- 
>> Steve
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