[Tutor] My code isn't working properly

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 20 17:14:18 EDT 2016

On 20/06/16 09:25, Sopan Shewale wrote:
> check it here - http://textsnip.com/6bd6jh

Tried it and it worked fine in v2.7.

To run in v3 I added a few parens after the prints
and put the line

raw_input = input

at the top.

I also removed the annoying prompt at the end of the loop.

But basically it works.

>> On 20/06/16 08:16, Minhaj Ahmed via Tutor wrote:
>>> Hi,I'm studying Michael Dawsons 'Python programming for absolute
>>> beginners',in chapter 5,page 129,the author writes a program that records
>>> high scores in a game. I have done exactly as the author has set out and
>>> yet my code isn't doing what the author says it should be doing. The code
>>> is printed below.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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