[Tutor] Hi

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 23 20:00:51 EDT 2016

On 23/06/16 19:00, Bharath Swaminathan wrote:
> Can I run my python code in multiple processors? I have a dual core...

Your OS may run your python code on multiple processors but
it's not something you can easily control in Python. Remember
that your computer probably has hundreds of processes running
at any one time and your python program(s) will only be a part
of the total load. The OS schedules the jobs to run on whichever
processor is available at any given time - it may well
use different processors for the same process during the
lifetime of that process.

Now, if what you really want to know is whether the OS can
split a single Python process over multiple CPU cores in
parallel, that's a much more complex question and I think
the current answer is probably not. (But others on this list
know a lot more about that kind of thing than I do!)  But
it depends on the exact version of Python you are running
and probably which OS you are using too.

In my experience trying to guess how the OS will schedule
your jobs is an exercise in frustration. Let the OS do its
thing and only worry about those kinds of optimisation once
you have proved it is really an issue (by measurement).

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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