[Tutor] Recommendations for best tool to write/run Python :p:
Albert-Jan Roskam
sjeik_appie at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 4 03:10:44 EST 2016
> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 15:54:56 -0600
> From: david at graniteweb.com
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Recommendations for best tool to write/run Python :p:
> * Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> [2016-03-03 11:02]:
> > On 03/03/16 09:31, Thomas C. Hicks wrote:
> > > On 03/03/2016 02:26 AM, Lisa Hasler Waters wrote:
> > >> Could you please recommend the best Python tools for writing and running
> > >> our code for the long term? Also, we are hoping to find free tools!
> > >>
> > > Most people on this list are a lot smarter than me so there are probably
> > > good reasons for it but I have used Ipython (now Jupyter) for teaching
> > > my kids programming in middle and high school.
> >
> > IPython is great as an interactive environment but the OP
> > specifically mentioned writing longer programs and editing
> > files which is not what IPython does best. I suspect that's
> > why it didn't get a mention earlier.
> Very likely, but it's definitely worth mentioning as a runtime environment.
> It's a big step above the basic built-in CLI
Yes, IPython is extremely useful, even if only for testing code snippets. IPython Notebook is worth mentioning as well.
My favourite IDE currently is Spyder (free). PyScripter is nice (and free) too, but I don't like the way it behaves with pdb (with a little menu). Both come with Python(x, y). PyCharm is great too (maybe even nicer than Spyder), but it's only free for open source projects. It is Java-based, but only Sun Java and not Open JDK (it occasionally frooze with Open JDK so I stoped using it).
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