syed zaidi syedzaidi85 at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Mar 8 22:41:49 EST 2016

Well,  I know about it but I want to perform the task using python 2.7 since the tool I'm trying to develop is in 2.7. For some reason I want to do it without biopython please help. ..

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</div><!-- originalMessage --><div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Danny Yoo <danny.yoo at gmail.com> </div><div>Date: 3/9/2016  08:39  (GMT+08:00) </div><div>To: syed zaidi <syedzaidi85 at hotmail.co.uk> </div><div>Cc: Python Tutor Mailing List <tutor at python.org> </div><div>Subject: Re: [Tutor] FASTA FILE SUB-SEQUENCE EXTRACTION </div><div>
You should probably look into Biopython:


Your question should involve fairly straightforward use of the Seq methods
of Biopython. You should not try to write your own FASTA parser: Biopython
comes with a good one already.

Note that the tutor mailing list is not entirely general: the questions
here are expected to be beginner-level.  Bioinformatics questions are a bit
out of scope for tutor @python.org, since they involve a specialized domain
that our participants here won't probably be very familiar with.

The last times I participated, the Biopython forums were very active.  You
should check them out:


Good luck!

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