[Tutor] Changing the interpreter prompt symbol from ">>>" to ???

wolfrage8765 at gmail.com wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 03:50:17 EST 2016

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 1:53 AM, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.  I tried out your link, codeanywhere.com .  I
> have to confess my experience was not a good one.  Firstly, the
> environment supplied would not accept my space bar characters!  So I
> could not type any import statements.  However, I did try:

Yes I do not endorse codeanywhere.com; but it is the only editor I
have access to while at work; so as the only it meets my needs barely.

> print('\u25ba'), which did not require any spaces and received an
> error stating that it would not accept values greater than hex ff.  So
> it is pretty clear that following Cameron's suggestion is not (At
> least on the surface.) doable in the codeanywhere environment.  Might
> I suggest pythonanywhere?  All of this works fine with utf-8 there.

I used to use Pythonanywhere.com but it is blocked; so it is no longer
an option.

> boB
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