[Tutor] OT: (Continuous) integration testing: Can a solo developer with very limited resources truly do this?

wolfrage8765 at gmail.com wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 00:53:29 EST 2016

>> <SNIP>
>>> Does one need to already have installation media for each OS to be
>>> used, or are they pre-loaded?  If the first, for Windows that could
>>> potentially be a chunk of money!
>> See Here Free Virtual Machines for Windows:
>> https://dev.windows.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/windows/
> I saw these but my superficial impression was that these were for
> Explorer and Edge browser testing.  Are they in fact usable for any OS
> functions I might have my programs using?

Yes at least the last time I downloaded one from the site it was a
full up and functional version of Windows only stipulation is the
trial period but using Virtual Box Snapshot functionality I am always
able to easily revert the VM back to day 0 of the trial period.
> If yes, perhaps we should post to the entire Tutor list, too?

Sorry I mean to post to the entire tutor list; thanks for pointing that out.
> --
> boB

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