[Tutor] (SIP installation problem) Best way to install Python 3 onto Windows 10

CMG Thrissur cmgcomsol at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 07:32:39 EDT 2016

On Wednesday 16 March 2016 11:26 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 16/03/16 12:46, CMG Thrissur wrote:
>>> Personally I always install ActiveState Python on
>>> Windows
>> I  tried to install activestate on win 10 but due to my ignorance or
>> lack of knowlege i could n't get to install pyqt or sip. i tried it
>> through pip.
> Active state only installs standard Python. PyQt (and SIP) are
> comparatively
> exotic additions and you will need separate installers for those.
> I have no experience of either so can't help you, but I've CCd the list
> to widen the exposure. But you should probably try asking on the PyQt
> and side forums too, there is more likelihood of somebody there knowing
> the answer.
>> Even on basic installation i am getting it hard to find installation
> of sip.
> I confess i'm not sure which SIP you mean? Google suggests a C/C++
> bindings generator which might make sense if that's what PyQt uses,
> although I'd expect all the bindings to be done for you.
> Are you sure you really need it to use PyQt?
>> But Winpython portable version works like a charm on windows.
> Again I'm not familiar with Winpython. Google tells me its a "scientific"
> distro for windows, so I assume similar to Anaconda. If it works, why
> not just use it?
I think linux is much better and i will stick to it, but at work i have 
to work on win 10 and that to i sometimes have to make python utilities 
for others to work on which requires a gui, like a simple example i have 
to combine many excel files and extract specific items from them and 
then make a new xls file.  Now  i can do it on cui but for other people  
to use the software who are not so digital oriented like me will find it 
hard to use cui, beside that if i don't present them a dialog to point 
to the directory where they have the file, they would find it very 
difficult.  some staff members just use the computers on hit or miss 
strategy.(You can understand that if tell you they call me computer geek 
with my level of knowledge ;).)

Now i have a little good understanding of c++ and through it Qt so qt is 
very easy for me to work on rather than working on tkinter or gtk, and 
other wx thing is not working on py3, so you can understand that if cant 
install PYQT for developing apps.  I tried it first time form the 
standard python edition and then from activestate version, hoping that 
pyqt will be installed easily as it gets installed on linux but to my 
surprise it doesn't.

So here i am trying each and everything.  To add to my frustration the 
SiP distribution pointed by pyqt contains a readme which asks me to use 
a file to install it (something i am not remembering right now) and the 
said file cannot be found anywhere in the distribution of SIP.

Winpython is a portable distribtuion which just gets the work done, but 
if i have to replace or update something then i think i am out of luck 
on windows.

Thanks for enduring my rant and frustration on the topic. I will now try 
the same with pyqt group maybe they have some idea about the product.

Although i will trouble you with my other problems on python.


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