[Tutor] How python keeps track of data types

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Mar 29 03:23:37 EDT 2016

Hi Abhishek,

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Abhishek Kumar
<abhishekkmr18 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am a computer science student,I want to know how python keeps track of
> data types of variables and is there a way to get data types of variables
> without actually running the script(with type() function). I think python
> AST can help, but am unable to figure out.Please help me.
> I've explored compiler library but could not find anything helpful.

This is not a beginner-level question.  You may not be reaching the
audience you want here.  You're essentially asking for a static type
system for Python.  Python was not particularly designed to
accommodate a static type system  It is dynamically typed: in Python,
types are attached to values, not variables.

Start reading:


Your question is an active area of CS research.  Therefore, we can't
provide clear, direct answers to your question: you have to do your
own searching.  Here are a few starting points.




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