Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Thu Mar 31 12:45:04 EDT 2016

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 12:47:21PM +0000, accessmuah via Tutor wrote:
> Hi,
> Pls, assist with this Question....Kindly stroll to the end

> DS LABCreate a function manipulate_data that does the followingAccepts 
> as the first parameter a string specifying the data structure to be 
> used "list", "set" or "dictionary" Accepts as the second parameter the 
> data to be manipulated based on the data structure specified e.g [1, 
> 4, 9, 16, 25] for a list data structure Based off the first parameter
>    - return the reverse of a list or
>    - add items `"ANDELA"`, `"TIA"` and `"AFRICA"` to the set and return the resulting set
>    - return the keys of a dictionary
> My Answer below - Kindly helped reviewed it
> def manipulate_data(kind, data):     if kind == 'list':         return 
> list(data)[::-1]     elif kind == 'set':         data=set({"a", "b", 
> "c", "d", "e", "ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"})        return set(data)     
> elif kind == 'dictionary':         return 
> dict.keys(data) manipulate_data("list", 
> range(1,6)) manipulate_data("set", {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "ANDELA", 
> "TIA", "AFRICA"})manipulate_data("dictionary", {"apples": 23, 
> "oranges": 15, "mangoes": 3, "grapes": 45})

Unfortunately your code has been mangled by the email. Can you try 
sending it again WITHOUT using Yahoo's "Rich Text" (HTML mail)?

I will try to reverse-engineer what you meant:

def manipulate_data(kind, data):
    if kind == 'list':
        return list(data)[::-1]
    elif kind == 'set':
        data=set({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"})
        return set(data)
    elif kind == 'dictionary':
        return dict.keys(data) 

manipulate_data("list", range(1,6)) 
manipulate_data("set", {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"})
manipulate_data("dictionary", {"apples": 23, "oranges": 15, "mangoes": 3, "grapes": 45})

Is that what you intended?

>  But i cant proceed to next stage...see error below   Pls assist

I looked below, but you have not included the error. Perhaps you 
included it as an attachment? In that case, it would probably be 
deleted, and if it is a screen-shot, it will be useless to anyone who is 
blind or visually impaired and reading this using a screen reader.

Please COPY and PASTE the text of the error into your email.

> Thanks
> Regards 
> Shittu
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