[Tutor] R: Re: Create a pivot table (Peter Otten)

jarod_v6 at libero.it jarod_v6 at libero.it
Fri May 20 07:13:18 EDT 2016

Thanks s much for  the help. I want to obtain table like this:

>csv.writer(sys.stdout, delimiter="\t").writerows(table)
>        A100    D33     D34     D35     D36     D37     D38     D39
>A       5         0 ...
>B       2         2  ...
>C      0  ..
I have tried the pandas way but unfortunately there is many duplicates . So 
Now I move to create a new file using dictionary  and  a file with this format.

('A', A100') 5
('B', 'A100) 2

I just wondering if there is a pythonic way to do this. I don't want to use 
another software if I can

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