[Tutor] Study Tips

Steve Lett steve.lett777 at gmail.com
Mon May 30 01:45:21 EDT 2016

Hi folks,
Just started learning python. I've been having a really hard time in
getting started, and still am! I have a slight learning difficulty,
including a stroke in Jan.2010. You wouldnt know even if u were here
looking at me! Praise God for the great salvation!
I have a slight learning difficulty. Has anyone got any tips on how to
study programming and what approach would be best for me?

Out of a long list of books that I have collected ( python, Blender, etc )
I have decided to start on Introducing Python (hard copy 2nd Ed, ebook 3rd
ed) by Bill Lubanovic. Before that I was going to start with Python
Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Michael Dawson.

Any thoughts on these issues and especially the study tips already

Thank you, Steve

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