[Tutor] Study Tips

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 30 17:11:08 EDT 2016

On 30/05/16 06:45, Steve Lett wrote:

> Out of a long list of books that I have collected ( python, Blender, etc )
> I have decided to start on Introducing Python (hard copy 2nd Ed, ebook 3rd
> ed) by Bill Lubanovic. Before that I was going to start with Python
> Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Michael Dawson.

Bob has mentioned many useful bits of advice.

I'd just emphasise one thing:

write code., lots of it.

Don't just settle for the examples/exercises in your book.
Use them as a start but extend them. Add extra features.
Change the output format or the sort order.
Combine examples to make bigger programs.

Writing code means making mistakes and, in finding the solution,
you learn far more than from just reading code.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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