[Tutor] Question About the .format Method.

Bryon Adams bryonadams at openmailbox.org
Wed Nov 9 17:30:20 EST 2016

     Working on a simple function to get an IP address and make it look 
pretty for the PyNet course. I'm wondering if there's way to evenly 
space text with the string.format() method similar to how I'm doing it 
with the % operator. The last two prints keep everything left aligned 
and 20 spaces wide. Is there a way to accomplish this with the .format() 
method that I use in the first print function?

# Getting the IP address and putting it into list
ip4 = input('Please enter a /24 network address: ')
ip4 = ip4.split('.') # Split string into a list
ip4 = ip4[:3]        # Force list to be a /24 network address
print('{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(ip4[0], ip4[1], ip4[2], ip4[3]))

ip4_str = '.'.join(ip4)
ip4_bin = bin(int(ip4[0]))
ip4_hex = hex(int(ip4[0]))

# Printing the table
print('%-20s %-20s %-20s' %('NETWORK_NUMBER', 'FIRST_OCTET_BINARY', 
print('%-20s %-20s %-20s' %(ip4_str, ip4_bin, ip4_hex))

PS. I realise the first print can be simplified with a .join but I 
forgot about .join and left it to help illustrate my question.


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