[Tutor] MEL to Python Translation of array index in conditional statement

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Nov 10 20:09:41 EST 2016

On 10/11/16 13:08, Brian Schindler wrote:
> I'm trying to convert the following code from MEL (Maya Embedded Language)
>  to Python

You'll probably get better support fromthe Maya community than here
since most of us don;'t know anything about Maya's language.

>  and having trouble with syntax errors in the conditional statement. 

> float $pos[3] = `xform -q -rp $obj`;
>     if ($pos[0] != 0 || $pos[1] != 0 || $pos[2] != 0) 

That is presumably the Maya code?
Unfortunately I don't know exactly what it does - I can make
a guess but that's all it would be. For example, is the
indentation on line 2 significant? (It would be in python)
I'm guessing the backtick(`) mean you are executing an OS command?
If so you'll need the python subprocess module to do the equivalent.

If the 2nd line does what I think, the equivalent Python code would
be something like:

if pos[0] or pos[1] or pos[2]:
    # do something here

Can you show us what you tried and what error message(s) you
got(in full)?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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