[Tutor] Need help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 3 11:23:46 EDT 2016

On 03/10/16 10:54, niraj pandey wrote:

> I want to add every lebels value here (ie fetch from DB and display in
> front of every lebel or I had store every lable value in variable and
> display here).

You need to tell us which OS, Python version and GUI
toolkit you are using.

> [image: Inline image 1]

This is a text list so images usually get stripped off.
If absolutely necessary to send an image use a link to an
image gallery somewhere.

But at least try to explain what you are trying to show us.

> Is there any function which I can use for this (like we have entry.get to
> get the value similar any function to put the value)

Assuming you are using Tkinter there is an insert() method.
To put text at the end of the entry use

import tkinter as tk
myText = "Hello world"
top = tk.Tk()

myEntry = tk.Entry(top)


However a common alternative is to use a StringVar and associate it with
the Entry so that changes in the StringVar are automatically
shown in the Entry and changes in the Entrey are reflected to the
StringVar. Most Tkinter tutorials will show that under StringVar.

Of course if you are not using Tkinter most of that will be useless!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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